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What are the Benefits of Co-ed Addiction Treatment?

Addiction is a disease that doesn’t discriminate based on age, gender, or background. Anyone can become addicted to a specific drug. With this in mind, there are differences in treatment when it comes to men and women. While gender-specific treatment has its benefits, co-ed drug rehab centers can offer a unique and effective experience as well. Sometimes understanding the struggles of both sides can be vital to recovery and treatment.

When it comes to men and women struggling with addiction, men are much more likely to experiment with drugs and reach out for help. Women are more likely to relapse and face the social consequences of their drug abuse. While a person may be more inclined to get gender-specific treatment, co-ed drug treatment centers like Harmony Place offer effective treatment for both genders in a separate yet inclusive environment.

While there is no right or wrong way of getting treatment, understanding the benefits of co-ed drug rehab is worth a look into. Understanding different points of view while practicing social skills for the outside world are just two of the many benefits of co-ed treatment.

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a disease – one that affects millions of people around the globe every year. No matter what gender, race, or ethnicity, no one is immune to addiction due to frequent drug use. Drugs tend to affect a person’s brain chemistry, judgment, and behavior. Substancecs like cocaine and alcohol can disrupt the brain’s function, particularly the release of neurotransmitters in the brain. This is what is responsible for the euphoric ‘high’ certain drugs tend to give off.

Over time, these feelings and effects can end up leading to a full-blown addiction. This occurs when your brain is wired to repeat these same rewarding experiences – which in this case is drug use. Addiction is something that can completely affect almost every aspect of a person’s life. Commonly abused drugs include:

Each of these drugs has its specific effects and symptoms on the body. As time goes on, a person may grow dependent on a certain drug. Dependency occurs when a person experiences withdrawal symptoms when they stop using. When this occurs, it means that an addiction has developed and a person should consider getting help sooner than later.

It is important to get addiction treatment sooner than later because of the many physical and behavioral problems addiction can bring. A person may suffer intense health problems down the line and can also sever close relationships with family and friends (which makes the situation worse). If a loved one is dealing with drug addiction, don’t hesitate to get help at Harmony Place.

What Does Addiction Treatment Look Like?co-ed drug rehab

Whether it be a co-ed drug rehab or a gender-specific rehab, many of the same addiction treatment methods are used. While no two cases of addiction treatment are the same, there are several programs that are commonly used. A person may begin with a medical drug detox in which toxic substances are purged from a person’s body. After, the person may move on to more specialized treatment through inpatient or residential rehab. At the end of the day, the preferred method of treatment depends on the severity of the addiction and the person’s preferences.

What is Co-Ed Addiction Treatment?

Co-ed addiction treatment is a method that involves both genders during the process, as opposed to single-sex treatment methods. While there are pros and cons for both, many co-ed treatment centers offer a new way to overcome addiction with the help of both genders. When it comes to comparing single-sex treatment methods and co-ed treatment, there is no research that suggests one is better than the other.

There are positives and negatives to both forms of treatment; it simply depends on the person and situation. While drug addiction may impact each gender differently, the main goal for everyone in addiction treatment is to overcome their drug use and become sober for years to come.

The Benefits of Co-Ed Drug Rehab Treatment

While a person may be tempted to attend a gender-treatment program, there is a lot of benefit to looking into co-ed drug rehab centers. There are certain experiences and points of view you may not be able to get during gender-specific treatment. It’s important to understand some of the benefits of getting treatment with both men and women, together. Let’s take a closer look at co-ed drug rehab.

Helps Improve Social Skills Between Men and Women

What is AddictionIn the real world and many social situations, there is usually a mix of both men and women. Understanding and knowing how to conduct yourself in a mixed-gender setting can prepare you for the ‘real world’. Becoming comfortable addressing one’s own addiction in front of both genders can be very beneficial for a person’s social skills. This can be practice for home and work life when the time comes.

When someone is recovering from addiction, communication is a key aspect of maintaining and building relationships, especially after treatment has ended. When the time comes, a person will have to speak with their loved ones, husbands, wives, children, and friends about their situation. Co-ed drug rehab centers can be a great way to refine a person’s social skills.

Real-World View Discussions

One of the benefits of co-ed treatment is the presence of real-world views from both genders. Every day, both men and women interact with each other and deal with similar problems. With this in mind, co-ed treatment centers allow both genders to bring their own experiences and opinions to the table.

Additionally, as a person eventually attends support groups like AA (Alcoholics anonymous) after treatment, they will be prepared for a co-ed environment. It is also therapeutic and beneficial to know that both genders experience the same problems and feelings towards addiction. A co-ed environment can bring unique discussions that are more accurate to real-world conversations.

Private But Inclusive Treatment

As one of many co-ed drug rehab centers in the California area, we provide an inclusive yet private environment for both genders. While both men and women will attend sessions and get treatment together, both men and women have separate and private living quarters. This creates a safe and inclusive environment for both genders so everyone can focus on their addiction recovery.

Some people may be wary about attending treatment sessions and having facilities open to both men and women. However, there are many benefits to this environment and there are parts of the experience that can not be not only educational but useful in the long run as well.

Gives a Broader View of Issues for Each Gender

Co-Ed Drug RehabIt comes as no surprise that men and women tend to experience addiction differently. There are specific aspects of drug addiction that may affect one gender and not the other. Co-ed addiction treatment allows both sides to hear the experiences and stories of the other gender. This can be eye-opening and can help a person realize that they are not alone in their struggles.
Also, it can be helpful to see that, while there may be differences, both men and women experience some of the same struggles and feelings. Addiction impacts many people, regardless of age, gender, or background. Knowing that a person is not alone is one of the many benefits that co-ed rehab centers can offer.

Addiction Treatment at Harmony Place

During your stay at our co-ed drug rehab, you will be supported and guided by our incredible staff. Addiction treatment differs from case to case and there are several options available to those dealing with drug use. Some of the most common options for treatment include the following:

  • Medical Detoxification: The process of ridding a person’s body of toxic substances (while relieving common withdrawal symptoms)
  • Individualized Therapy: Behavioral therapies focused on the individual and their personal journey
  • Group Therapy: Therapy focused in a group setting (or in a family setting)
  • Residential/Inpatient treatment: A person stays at a rehab center for a period of time with 24/7 support and guidance
  • Outpatient Treatment: A person attends weekly sessions instead of staying at a rehab center
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP): Similar to outpatient treatment but a more intense schedule (longer and more frequent sessions throughout the week)
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT): Medication is provided to ease some of the withdrawal symptoms of addiction/mental health cases in tangent with therapy sessions.
  • Support Groups: 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics anonymous.

Harmony Place offers many of these services in the California area. As one of the many co-ed rehab centers in the area, we provide quality service for both men and women. With decades of experience between our staff and a safe environment to call your own, you and your family are in good hands. Don’t wait for your addiction to get worse, give us a call today to start your journey towards recovery right now.