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What’s the Difference Between Treatment and Recovery?

In conversation, it may be tempting to use the words treatment and recovery interchangeably. However, while the two are very much associated, addiction treatment and addiction recovery are quite different. They are different, yet they can occur together.

The phrase recovery is a journey is often taken out of context, but that doesn’t make it false. Although it certainly is a journey through treatment, recovery itself is a state of constant and progressive maintenance and achievement. Still, that’s not to say that recovery is a destination. Recovery is about constant change. Facing addiction can sometimes be a lengthy process, but is designed that way to ensure the effectiveness of the program. To put it simply, treatment is a means to recovery, not the other way around.

What is the Difference Between Treatment and Recovery?

Both treatment and recovery are about constant change and evolution. In long-term recovery, an individual can adapt to change more easily, without excessive stress or relapse. Although relapsing is still possible during treatment, the idea is to understand the experience and how to get there. Until resisting temptation and urges become more of a primary or natural response, the work in treatment is not done. That said, the risk of relapse will always be there, even for those who have maintained their recovery.

Understanding Addiction Treatment

To put it simply, treatment is about action. It requires work to get sober and to learn how to stay that way. Addiction treatment is based on the science of human biology, the disease of addiction, and how one affects the other. The disease of addiction affects as much of the physical function of the body as it does its psychological processes. However, because different people, substances, and intensities of addiction exist, what is required for treatment and recovery is not universal. Fortunately, rehab is designed with multiple avenues of addiction treatment to meet the needs of each individual’s recovery requirements.

Variety is Required in Addiction Treatment for Recovery

Just like any other illness, treatment must be determined on an individual basis. What works for one person may not be what works best for another. For example, the needs of someone suffering from alcohol addiction will be very different from a dependency on heroin. This makes it essential to have multiple treatment options to address every angle.

Even still, tailoring treatment to each person and their addiction is still more complex than it sounds. Some have better outcomes utilizing different personal therapies within the program. Others rely predominantly on the comradery of their peers. Many have a more difficult time adjusting to the idea of recovery and require a more medical intervening approach.

Rehab treatment programs usually function best when there are multiple outlets in action simultaneously. Still, with that in mind, the duration may need adjustment based on progress in certain areas over another. For treatment and recovery to be effective and achievable, the balance of support is critical. Regular alterations, based on progress, aid in adapting to a sober lifestyle and encourage goal assessment in recovery.

Types Of Addiction Treatment Programs

Every individual in treatment, working on their recovery from addiction, will be given the opportunity to participate in multiple programs. Certain therapy options may be used for follow-up care, relapse management, and more intensive psychological assessment. When regularly exercised, holistic therapy offers a mind/body/spirit balance that is crucial when developing personal limits. The well-rounded approach to rehab treatment exposes areas of vulnerability that otherwise hinder recovery efforts or even lead to relapse.

Therapy for Treatment of Addiction

The starting place for addiction treatment and recovery usually begins with committing to detox and starting addiction therapy. This starts immediately, using one-on-one sessions of individual therapy until becoming comfortable with setting rehab goals. Some individuals do well in private discussions and others in groups. However, as treatment continues, diversity is beneficial to increase coping skills.

Medication to Assist During Detox, Treatment, and Recovery

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is offered as a relapse deterrent for those having a particularly hard time adjusting. The use of prescription drugs is used therapeutically and under the close supervision of a professional. Although some argue that MAT runs the risk of subsequent dependency on the drugs, the medication helps soothe debilitating withdrawal.

MAT is also beneficial during detox to ease withdrawal symptoms, especially if they become life-threatening. With more comfort during the transition, the focus is appropriately applied to treatment and recovery, with fewer risks outweighing benefits.

Peer Oriented Support and Professionally Guided Lessons

Treating the individual’s psychological and emotional needs and assisting in detox is only part of addiction treatment. The treatment criteria that contribute to long-term sobriety is knowing how to cope with urges and triggers. Rehab treatment approaches this area of care in a variety of ways. Many of them rely on peer and social support. The reinforcement and sense of community established through addiction lessons/counseling teach the best methods to avoid relapse. In combination with group therapy, a sense of accountability helps to stave off thoughts of swaying from the sober curriculum.

Dual Diagnosis: Managing Mental Health and Addiction

Another area of addiction treatment and recovery receptiveness comes from adequately diagnosing and managing mental health and addiction. When an underlying illness affects the psychological state of the individual suffering from addiction, it can lead to relapse. Dual Diagnosis is one of the most essential evaluations performed in rehab after detox. Once established, both a substance use disorder and a psychological illness can be treated simultaneously, lessening the resistance toward recovery.

What Is Addiction Recovery?

Recovery is about the emotional response of coping with sober living in the face of triggers. Essentially, what makes treatment and recovery different from the other, is that recovery is a state of mind. Working toward a lifestyle where addiction no longer makes the rules is where treatment and recovery meet.

Recovery begins when an individual commits to detox, and treatment begins. This allows for the term to be used very broadly, yet with the idea of working for a sober outcome. The beginning of outpatient treatment could be considered the beginning of recovery for some. However, others don’t meet the criteria.

To categorize treatment and recovery separately, professionals veer toward one specific principle to separate the two. Treatment is working toward recovery, and recovery begins with a conscious choice to maintain a healthy, sober life. Recovery is the commitment to an individual’s wellbeing, with a foundation in abstaining from substance use and addictive behaviors. Much like treatment, recovery is also categorized into four stages.

Deciding on Medical Detox Programs

Making the conscious decision to participate in a detox program is the first stage of treatment. But it may take a bit more for recovery. Often when individuals first experience withdrawal, and for several days or weeks after, they reject the desire to stay sober. In fact, all they yearn for is to stop the urges.

However, that is why treatment and recovery go hand in hand. At the beginning of addiction treatment, individuals work with counselors to uncover damage left in the wake of substance abuse. From there, the goal is to encourage motivation and dedication to a better outcome and sober future. The essential milestone is the surrendering of denial and acknowledgment of addiction’s destruction.

Accepting and Adjusting to Early Abstinence: The Four Stages Of Recovery

After making the commitment to recovery, it is time to begin working to overcome physical dependence triggers. To achieve the next step of recovery, many individuals find that a change in routine benefits them greatly. Because at first environmental triggers are everywhere and in everything, it’s helpful to experience new activities, encouraging calmness and clarity. This makes programs like equine therapy even more appealing when attending rehab to widen the range of healing techniques.

Before long, new behaviors that support a sober life will replace addiction-reinforcing ones. Getting overconfident can quickly derail progress or even contribute to a setback. So it’s important to remember that treatment is not over and that more work needs to take place.

Maintaining Sobriety: The Four Stages Of Recovery

This step is where it becomes more natural to function sober and when real goals are set. Many individuals can relate to this stage of recovery and treatment as coasting. The lessons have been taught, and triggers identified. Now it is time to start setting larger yet still attainable goals for a sober future. Emotionally and physically, drug addiction is considered a thing of the past, and the rest is of the future.

For example, this may mean having reasonable expectations for employment or finances to start looking up. It could even mean dedicating time to a fitness routine or participating in community activities that encourage positivity and sobriety.

Long-Term Recovery: The Four Stages Of Recovery

With the help of recovery homes, long-term recovery has the highest success rates overall. Residing within a community that supports treatment and recovery supplies the comfort of power in numbers. However, no matter where an individual decides to live after treatment and in recovery, a sober routine is the key.

At this time, the thought of mending relationships and getting back to normal seems like a possibility. Yet, the trick is to do so without incorporating addictive or triggering behaviors back in. For some, this may mean completely starting over, and that is never easy. The stress alone can set someone on a course of relapse. Taking advantage of the added support offered within sober recovery communities helps smooth out the transition significantly.

Treatment, Recovery, and Relapse

At any point during treatment and recovery, the idea is to keep moving forward. It may be tempting to linger in a comfortable position after maintaining sobriety for a period of time. It’s understandable, and many fall into this dangerous trap. It is within contentment and boredom that relapse becomes the biggest threat.

Treatment and recovery programs incorporate extensive relapse prevention skills into every lesson. By adapting to coping skills and regularly reinforcing sober strategies, preventative measures deter the desire to turn to substance abuse. Managing thoughts, feelings, and memories will always be valuable to focus energy toward, during, and after treatment. It’s essential to remember that relapse can happen to anyone. Even those that have completed treatment and have long-term recovery. This is why recovery is a journey, and it’s essential to keep moving forward.

Family Therapy While Working Toward Recovery

During treatment and recovery, everyone will have a different experience. What works well for one individual will be different for another. However, getting support from others will be highly beneficial to recovery maintenance after rehab.

Addiction is often difficult to understand for individuals that have never experienced it, and it can damage relationships significantly. While working with a counselor or therapist, recovering individuals can make strides to mend these connections. Family therapy is offered as an option during treatment, and recovery benefits from the participation of loved ones.

Choosing Treatment and Recovery Services at Harmony Place

Harmony Place can help you take back your life from addiction. Providing treatment and therapeutic intervention, recovery can begin as soon as you decide to prioritize getting sober. Maintaining sobriety through treatment and recovery is a lifelong journey that takes commitment and courage.

But by enlisting the help of rehab professionals that know how to guide you there, remaining free from addiction becomes natural and rewarding. Please call us today for more information on accomplishing something worthwhile. Learn about yourself and what you are capable of with the skills and motivation for long-term recovery.
