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Is Post-Wedding Depression Real?

Postpartum depression is a well known mental health disorders women experience after the birth of their child. Many women also experience post-wedding depression in addition to symptoms of other mental health disorders.

Natural Highs

Exciting events are exciting– especially when those exciting events revolve entirely around you. Attention is, in a way, a natural high. Combined with wedding bliss, feeling lots of love, attention, and adoration from other people celebrating you and your love is euphoric. After the wedding, within just a few days, the excitement is over. The attention stops and the focus shifts back to everyday things and everyday life. Weddings require a lot of focus, planning, preparation, pictures, celebrations, Facebook posts, Instagram hashtags, and more.

Adjusting to the post-wedding experience is one thing for women. Also included after a wedding, is an actual marriage. Some couples feel like the transition is too simple to be bothered with. For others, the transition is a challenge as many move in together for the first time to cohabitate.

Mental Health

During this time, hidden parts of each individual can be revealed. Honesty and openness are essentials for healthy relationships. Bringing mental health into the picture after a wedding can make one partner feel guilty and another partner feel deceived. Mental health disorders are common in adults. Living with a mental health disorder is not a deficit or an inadequacy. It is a challenge which can often bring couples closer together as they learn to support one another.

Out every ten weddings, 4 of ther 20 newlyweds will have a diagnosable disorder. Are weddings the cause of mental health disorders? No. They are merely a symptom of underlying issues which have gone on unconfronted or undiagnosed. The high highs of the wedding make the low low’s of mental illness all the more apparent after the fact.

While post-wedding depression is not a diagnosable issue, it is still a symptom of a diagnosable mental health disorder. The depression experienced is very real.

Treating a later onset of mental illness will require an extensive diagnostic process followed by therapy and individual treatment. Harmony Place offers a professional and clinically based psychological diagnostic process and a high ratio for one-on-one therapy sessions. Our programs include relationship counseling and family programming as well as family therapy. For more information on our luxury residential treatment programs or a private consultation, contact us.