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Adderall Overdose Symptoms

Being able to quickly identify signs of an Adderall overdose can be lifesaving. Adderall is a medication that is designed to treat psychological disorders, and is very effective in doing so. However, because of its effectiveness and extreme potency, what starts off as helpful, when abused, quickly becomes dangerous. Addiction and substance abuse are infecting our nation at alarming rates. Adderall addiction is a growing problem faced by many individuals around the world, and especially the young adult population. The more awareness that’s raised to identify and treat Adderall overdose symptoms that are available, the more lives saved. 

Adderall: A General Overview

Adderall is a drug designed to treat those that suffer with certain disorders such as ADD and ADHD. Both ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and ADHD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder), are considered to be mental illnesses. ADHD being a “brain-based disorder, and ADD is clarified ad hyperactivity and impulse control dysfunction. Both, however, can be managed with the help of drugs such as Adderall. 

Adderall is considered a stimulant and classified as a Schedule II controlled substance. Although there are many warnings and risks associated with this drug, the therapeutic benefits can outweigh symptoms in severe cases. 

Despite widespread use, Adderall overdose symptoms are particularly important to be on the lookout for. Stimulant drugs can quickly cause damage to the brain, heart, liver and other essential functions. If you think you or someone else is experiencing Adderall overdose symptoms, get help immediately. If you need help facing drug and alcohol addiction, enlist in the help of compassionate professionals at rehab. 

The Function of Adderall

Adderall works by altering brain chemicals to produce effects that alleviate cognitive dysfunctions affecting attention and concentration. Specifically, Adderall increases the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine concentrations that are available within the brain. When properly managed, in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy, an individual suffering from ADHD can lead a more normal life. However, when abused, the interruption of these neurochemicals can have devastating effects. 

Signs of Adderall overdose, from a neurological standpoint, can cause permanent damage to the central nervous system, interrupting cognitive functions. Individuals abusing Adderall, or using their medication off-label for weight loss or to increase energy, are taking a serious risk. Because the function of these drugs are not designed for alternative purposes, the unexpected side effects can be deadly. 

Stimulant Drugs and Adderall Alternatives

The drugs responsible for treating individuals with ADD or ADHD, that are most often abused, can go by many names. Likewise, they are compiled of different active ingredients, in different ratios, making each more constructive toward an individual’s therapeutic needs. It is, in fact, that difference that makes Adderall overdose so unexpected, as different drugs cause very different reactions. 

Despite brand and designer, prescription drug addiction can occur while using any one of them. In fact, they all become even more toxic when in combination with other substances, such as alcohol or even caffeine.  

While brand and generic names can differ, the major active ingredients of medications such as Adderall typically consist of:

  • Dextroamphetamine
  • Methylphenidate
  • Combination ratios that consist of Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine

Because each combination comes in different strengths and works with each person’s body differently, immediate signs of Adderall overdose vary. For example, 10mg of one drug might not be the same concentration of another, and increases the likelihood of toxicity. 

Ways That Adderall is Abused Leads To Overdose

Becoming allerted to Adderall overdose symptoms pose even more difficulty due to the convenience of oral administration. Typically, these medications come in capsules or tablets that can be swallowed quickly and without drawing attention. Because of this, anyone with access to these harmful stimulants can find it easy to fuel their addiction discreetly. 

It’s because of the ease and availability of Adderall, and sudden onset of Adderall overdose symptoms, residential rehab is forerunning. Being eligible for around the clock care alleviates the temptation associated with further abuse. In addition, having a safe location removed from physical triggers helps gain perspective on the magnitude of addiction. 

Other Means of Abusing Adderall

Unfortunately, oral use of Adderall isn’t the only means of abuse and addiction. Realistically, it only gets more dangerous as tolerance develops. When crushed or liquified, it can be even more dangerous than cocaine, despite being legally available with prescription. 

An unfortunate popular alternative of oral and digestible ingestion of Adderall, is by means of crushing and snorting. Any use of these medications other than intended use is drug abuse, and increases the likelihood of developing addiction. 

Specifically, four behaviors classify adderall use as drug abuse. 

  • Altering the dose is otherwise prescribed by a professional. 
  • Acquiring Adderall illegally or taking another person’s medication. 
  • Abusing the drug specifically for the euphoria, without the intention of therapeutic benefits. 
  • Breaking, chewing, snorting, injecting, smoking or ingesting the drug in any other manner than intended by the manufacturer. 

Even with proper usage, Adderall overdose symptoms can occur. Signs of Adderall overdose will vary by every individual’s tolerance, as will the effects. Relapse can be even more dangerous due to lowered tolerance for the drug, using the former dose required for effects. This makes aftercare for stimulant addicts especially important, as is relapse prevention efforts. 

Common Causes of Adderall Overdose

Due to the cognitive enhancing effects, illegal use and abuse of amphetamines is a growing issue. While Adderall is available as a prescription medication, it is also commonly distributed illegally. One of the major reasons that Adderall overdose symptoms go unreported is that abusing amphetamines is considered illegal. 

Yet still, the top two reasons that an individual experiences signs of Adderall overdose include:

  • Improperly abusing high doses of medication in an unintended manner.
  • Mixing these potent stimulants with other drugs and medications, whether intentionally or accidentally. 

Another consideration is that the general side effects are very similar to mild signs of Adderall overdose. That includes the symptoms of withdrawal, should a dose be lowered or abruptly stopped. Due to the ability of the drug to build up in the system, detox after abuse, can also be dangerous. Utilizing the care offered within rehab makes the initial process much more safe and comfortable, and should be a first line of treatment. This is why provider oversight throughout use is especially necessary. 

Signs and Symptoms of Adderall Overdose

Adderall overdose symptoms can come on very suddenly and be very scary to experience. Not just for the individual abusing the substance either, but for those around them. This can be true for the after effects of abusing stimulant amphetamines as well.  

Some of the most common signs of Adderall overdose that can help to identify a potential health crisis include:

  • Expressing panic, anxiety or disorientation without inappropriate triggers
  • Hallucinations, aggression, or trembling or shaking of the extremities
  • Rapid breathing, elevated heart rate, fever, or complaints of blurry vision
  • Upset stomach, diarrhea or having red or brown tints to urine
  • Muscle weakness, experiencing a seizure or loss of consciousness
  • Fatigue and depression

Depending on the situation, rehab detox centers offer medication assisted treatment (MAT) to ease severe withdrawal symptoms. Although this therapeutic approach must be strictly monitored by professionals, the benefits often provide lifesaving and necessary comfort measures.

Action To Take During Expected Adderall Overdose

Knowing how to act fast and effectively can save a life. If you suspect yourself or someone around you is experiencing signs of an Adderall overdose call 911 immediately. This should always be STEP ONE. 

After placing the call, you can then take steps to gather necessary information to assist professionals. Some helpful information that can assist in the care received includes:

  1. Call 911.
  2. Obtain information about the individuals general overall health, such as age, medical history and underlying conditions. 
  3. Question when the last instance of substance abuse took place. Getting time frames as close as possible can be very useful.
  4. The type and amount of substance that was used. Again, Adderall overdose symptoms can be similar to the abuse of other medications used to treat the same disorders. Sometimes, they are even illegally sold in place of the other. The more information on dose and type of drug causing the overdose may positively interfere with treatment. 
  5. How long the abuse has been taking place and whether the individual is experiencing dependency. 

Although these answers will provide helpful information for emergency response teams and EMT’s, stabilizing the individual is a priority. Once upon the scene it is important to let them work. Until then, do your best to clear the area without leaving the individual for extended periods of time. 

If performing CPR, do not stop until told to do so by emergency personnel. Be aware that seizures can occur, and to make the area as safe as possible. Early responses to Adderall overdose symptoms, or any overdose, is essential toward preserving life. 

How Common Is Adderall Overdose?

Almost 12 million Americans admit to having abused Adderall illegally throughout the course of their lives. In terms of the age groups most susceptible, between the ages of 18 and 25 make up more than half. This places the highest risk individuals to experience signs of adderall overdose at the college age.

 However, that doesn’t leave others exempt from concern. As the pressure for young adults increases to academically perform, stimulant drugs become more widely abused with younger ages. Looking the other way, the pressure of society drives middle aged adults to over perform to succeed. All can drive the desire for a boost and all come with life threatening risks. 

Previous studies have reported that more than 110 emergency room services were provided daily due to adderall or stimulant-like overdoses. Since then hospitals have seen more than 150% increase in one year progressively. Sadly, despite the risks the popularity and availability of cognitive enhancement stimulants, such as Adderall, are becoming even more popular. 

Adderall Addiction Treatment

Getting treatment for Adderall addiction, especially after experiencing Adderall overdose symptoms, should be taken very seriously. Typically in mild cases, intensive outpatient treatment can help to get addiction under control. However it will be equally as important to manage illnesses such as ADHD, in the case of co-occurring disorders. 

The benefits of being able to participate in rehab without the residential requirements are determined situationally. Depending on the severity of abuse and duration of dependency, a more intensive program may be necessary. 

Facing Dual Diagnosis With Addiction and ADHD

Dual Diagnosis is when an individual suffers with more than one illness that may have an effect on the other. In the case of Adderall addiction and overdose symptoms, addiction often presents with ADHD. 

Any dual diagnosis can increase the chances of relapse if not diagnosed and treated properly. Alternatively, an untreated mental illness will only contribute negatively toward the quality of life of an individual. Thus, making recovery maintenance more stressful than necessary. Fortunately, medication alternatives for management of addiction and mental illness are available within the course of addiction treatment. 

Addiction Therapy To Manage Addiction and Mental Illness

Fortunately, within addiction treatment for illnesses along with addiction, therapy is very helpful. It consists of multiple avenues to discuss, converse, learn or even experience coping skills that can be utilized. In place of substance use, behavioral therapy can help an individual to restructure their responses to triggers. Understanding why certain experiences or thoughts yield negative reactions can assist in properly managing them, without relying on drugs.

Participating in group therapy builds the sense of community and unity within the program. Alternatively, holistic therapy can help the suffering individual build a better more functional relation within themselves. Within our rehab offer, there are many more options to explore. Getting to the other side of addiction can be an intimidating journey. But with the right kind of help, it is equally rewarding. 

Getting Treatment after Suffering Adderall Overdose Symptoms

Making the decision to get rehab care will be the most important decision of your life. Fortunately, it is an easy one to make once you commit to yourself. As scary as it may seem, you don’t have to take the ride alone. 

There are professionals that understand the trauma experienced with Adderall overdose symptoms and addiction, and empathize with compassion and dignity. If you have questions and concerns, you’re not the only one. 

Rehab professionals know how to guide you through the process, and utilize the necessary programs that head toward recovery. Connect with us to find out how to become the best version of yourself. There is a big beautiful, sober and exciting world waiting for you. Come join our journey today. 
