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Fentanyl Withdrawal Treatment

Harmony Place operates multiple alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation centers that offer an assortment of services specifically designed to manage fentanyl withdrawal symptoms for patients like you in the Los Angeles, California, area. If you are struggling with fentanyl addiction, our inpatient detox center will provide the necessary treatment to help you achieve sobriety.

How long does fentanyl withdrawal last? Find out this and much more. On this page, you will discover an overview of the fentanyl withdrawal symptoms timeline, what fentanyl withdrawal treatment involves, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of fentanyl withdrawal syndrome. We work with many health insurance providers to facilitate access to treatment for fentanyl dependence. Contact Harmony Place Treatment Center to learn more about our fentanyl addiction rehab programs and obtain information regarding your insurance coverage.

Effects of Fentanyl Dependence

What Is Fentanyl Dependency?

Fentanyl dependency is a persistent condition defined by a reliance on the synthetic opioid fentanyl, no matter the detrimental consequences. Fentanyl’s powerful impact on your brain’s reward and pain-regulation systems can cause physical and psychological dependence. The symptoms and signs of fentanyl withdrawal include muscle aches, sweating, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, and intense cravings.

The signs of fentanyl addiction include loss of control, psychological cravings, and risky behavioral patterns, such as doctor shopping and combining it with other substances. It is possible to experience alcohol and fentanyl addiction simultaneously. The causes of addiction to fentanyl include an assortment of psychological, biological, social, and environmental factors.

Fentanyl addiction can lead to some dire consequences. The long-term effects of fentanyl use include cognitive impairment, respiratory issues, immune system suppression, mood disorders, behavioral changes, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular issues, strained relationships, legal problems, and financial trouble.

The initial phase of your recovery from fentanyl abuse involves a medical detoxification process, which takes place at fentanyl rehabilitation centers. Here, you will receive expert assistance for your recovery through safe fentanyl detox methods, including medications for opioid withdrawal relief. These fentanyl withdrawal syndrome medications will help with managing withdrawal side effects. Additionally, fentanyl rehab facilities will help if you’re dealing with co-occurring mental health disorders. The subsequent stage of fentanyl dependency treatment encompasses family support, arming you with strategies for coping with fentanyl cravings, recovery support groups, and various forms of fentanyl addiction therapy.

Understanding The Timeline of Fentanyl Withdrawal Syndrome

Fentanyl withdrawal syndrome is defined as the psychological and physical symptoms that you will have once you’ve developed fentanyl dependence and then suddenly stop using the synthetic opioid. Fentanyl withdrawal syndrome symptoms, which will begin 12 to 30 hours after your last dose of fentanyl, include gastrointestinal issues, sleep disturbances, pain sensitivity, anxiety, agitation, depression, flu-like symptoms, irritability, and cravings.

Here is a typical fentanyl withdrawal symptoms timeline:

Early Phase (Days 1-3)

  • Flu-like symptoms, anxiety, and cravings reach their highest point.

Acute Phase (Days 4-10)

  • Symptoms such as diarrhea, insomnia, and body aches continue but start to improve over time.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)

  • Specific psychological symptoms, including cravings and mood swings, may linger for weeks or even months.

Overcoming fentanyl addiction is attainable with the support of detox and recovery programs such as Harmony Place Addiction Recovery. Our inpatient detox facility, along with our outpatient fentanyl treatment options, will provide you with the fentanyl addiction help you need for a sustainable recovery.

What Are the Triggers and Causes of Fentanyl Withdrawal Syndrome?

There are several triggers and causes of fentanyl withdrawal syndrome, including physical dependence, abrupt cessation or reduction of use, short half-life of fentanyl, tolerance, cross-dependence, metabolic changes, co-occurring substance use, external factors, and psychological factors. The most common trigger is the sudden stop of fentanyl use.

Management of fentanyl withdrawal syndrome involves medical supervision, medications such as buprenorphine, methadone, or clonidine, supportive care, and behavioral addiction therapy methods. If you want more information about fentanyl detox programs, you can always contact us at Harmony Place Addiction Recovery.

Signs and Symptoms of Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal

Signs and Symptoms of Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal

The signs and symptoms of fentanyl withdrawal, often termed fentanyl withdrawal syndrome, can involve physical, psychological, and cognitive dimensions, with specific symptoms being notably intense. If you or someone you love is experiencing withdrawal symptoms, please get in touch with Harmony Place right away.

Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal Physical Symptoms

Fentanyl withdrawal can lead to a variety of physical symptoms as your body adapts to the lack of the stimulant drug. The intensity of these symptoms can differ based on the severity of your addiction, the length of your usage, and your overall health. Some of the most prevalent physical symptoms include:

  • Fatigue: Ongoing tiredness or a lack of energy.
  • Muscle Pain and Cramps: General body aches, tension, and cramps.
  • Sweating: Excessive perspiration, especially during acute withdrawal.
  • Headaches: Often related to tension or fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Uncomfortable gastrointestinal issues.
  • Diarrhea or Stomach Cramps: Signs of gastrointestinal distress.
  • Tremors or Shakiness: Unsteady hands or body.
  • Heart Palpitations: Irregular or rapid heartbeat.
  • Appetite Changes: A decrease in appetite, or occasionally an increase.
  • Insomnia: Challenges in falling or staying asleep.
  • Dilated Pupils: Particularly observed during opioid withdrawal.
  • Runny Nose and Watery Eyes: Symptoms that mirror the common cold.

Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal Psychological Symptoms

Fentanyl addiction withdrawal can also lead to various psychological symptoms due to the opioid’s effect on your brain’s reward system and neurotransmitter levels. Some psychological symptoms you might encounter during fentanyl withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety: Experiencing restlessness, worry, or panic.
  • Depression: Encountering sadness, hopelessness, or a lack of motivation.
  • Mood Swings: Experiencing sudden shifts in mood, irritability, or emotional instability.
  • Agitation and Irritability: Exhibiting signs of restlessness or frustration.
  • Drug Cravings: Having intense urges or cravings for the substance.
  • Paranoia: Feeling suspicious or overly anxious about others’ intentions

Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal Cognitive Symptoms

Cognitive fentanyl addiction withdrawal symptoms arise due to alterations in your brain chemistry and functioning from extended fentanyl use. Some of the most prevalent symptoms include:

  • Confusion and Clouded Thinking: Challenges in focusing or making choices.
  • Memory Problems: Difficulty in remembering recent events or maintaining focus.
  • Hallucinations: Experiencing visual, auditory, or tactile sensations that aren’t there.
  • Poor Coordination: Struggles with motor skills.

Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal Severe Symptoms (Life-Threatening in Some Cases)

Fentanyl addiction withdrawal can lead to some highly severe symptoms that may pose a threat to life, especially if you have a co-occurring disorder or pre-existing health conditions. Some of these severe symptoms include:

  • Seizures: Unexpected epileptic fit.
  • Delirium: Characterized by intense confusion, agitation, and possible hallucinations.
  • Severe Dehydration: Resulting from ongoing vomiting, sweating, or diarrhea.
  • Hypertension: Marked by dangerously elevated blood pressure.
  • Fever: Indicated by a high body temperature.

Learning About Fentanyl Withdrawal Treatment and Medication

Engaging in a medical detox for stimulant fentanyl use is your initial step toward achieving sobriety. Fentanyl abuse recovery programs integrate safe fentanyl detox methods, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for fentanyl, along with behavioral therapies such as fentanyl abuse counseling, outpatient fentanyl treatment, and addiction educational sessions focused on fentanyl addiction recovery support, equipping you to avoid relapse.

Our fentanyl detox programs are also able to help you if you are struggling with polysubstance use by providing alcohol and fentanyl withdrawal support. If you don’t need the intensive care provided by residential inpatient treatment, outpatient fentanyl treatment alternatives like our partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) for fentanyl withdrawal treatment could be ideal for you. For assistance or if a loved one needs help, please contact us at Harmony Place Rehab Center.

Map of areas around Harmony Place addiction rehab near LA

Fentanyl Withdrawal Treatment Programs Near Me in Greater Los Angeles, CA

Harmony Place Recovery provides fentanyl withdrawal treatment in Greater Los Angeles, California. Our fentanyl detox programs incorporate medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for fentanyl to ease fentanyl withdrawal symptoms and offer coping strategies for managing fentanyl cravings during your detoxification process. Call (855) 652-9048 today to contact one of our admissions counselors regarding our fentanyl rehabilitation centers.

Harmony Place
23041 Hatteras St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Harmony Place East
22913 Burbank Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Valley Restoration Center
22900 Ventura Blvd, STE 314,
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Does Private Health Insurance Cover Fentanyl Withdrawal Treatment in Los Angeles, California?

Private health insurance providers typically offer varying levels of coverage for fentanyl withdrawal treatment, influenced by the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In Los Angeles, California, the coverage you receive will depend on several factors, such as your specific insurance policy, the type of treatment needed, and the facility you choose.

You may still encounter certain out-of-pocket expenses, including coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles. Additionally, your insurance plan might require prior authorization. At Harmony Place Drug and Alcohol Treatment, we accept most major insurance plans for fentanyl withdrawal treatment in Los Angeles. We understand that navigating the complex language of insurance policies can be overwhelming and frustrating. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your insurance coverage benefits.

What Is the Average Cost of Fentanyl Withdrawal Treatment with Insurance Coverage?

The cost of fentanyl withdrawal treatment with health insurance can vary depending on the type of treatment, your insurance provider, and the selected facility. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) mandates that insurance companies offer comparable coverage for mental health and addiction treatment as they do for physical medical care.

Detoxification programs usually cost between $1,000 and $5,000. Thankfully, insurance typically covers a substantial portion of these expenses. Inpatient rehabilitation programs can range from $20,000 to $30,000 for a 30-day stay, with insurance significantly reducing these costs. Outpatient treatment programs typically range from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on their duration, and are generally a more affordable option covered by insurance.

Even with health insurance support, you may incur out-of-pocket expenses, including copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. To ensure you are adequately prepared for any treatment, it is essential to understand your coverage benefits thoroughly. For further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at Harmony Place.

What Is the Average Cost of Fentanyl Withdrawal Treatment Without Health Insurance Coverage?

The cost of fentanyl withdrawal treatment without health insurance can differ based on the type and intensity of care required. Detoxification programs typically range from $1,000 to $5,000. For a 30-day inpatient rehabilitation program, costs can fall between $20,000 and $30,000. Outpatient treatment programs usually vary from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on the duration.

Understanding the potential costs of withdrawal treatment can often be overwhelming and exhausting. We are here to take the weight off your shoulders and simplify the process by providing a clear overview of your total expenses. Furthermore, we offer payment plans to enhance the accessibility of your treatment. Contact us at Harmony Place Treatment Center today.

Fentanyl Withdrawal Timeline – How Long Does Fentanyl Withdrawal Tend to Last?

The length of time that you will have fentanyl withdrawal symptoms will vary based on the severity of your fentanyl addiction, environmental factors, your mental and physical health, and your support system. Here is a typical timeline for fentanyl withdrawal symptoms:

A homey group therapy room at Southern California's Harmony Place, a drug and alcohol rehab facility

Acute Withdrawal Phase

  • Onset:
    • Withdrawal symptoms generally start within 12–30 hours after the final dose of fentanyl, given its short-acting nature.
  • Peak:
    • Symptoms typically reach their peak around 2–4 days.
  • Duration:
    • The acute withdrawal phase usually lasts 5–10 days.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS)

You may face prolonged symptoms known as post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS), which can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Sleep disturbances

These symptoms can persist for several weeks or months, contingent upon the individual’s overall health and the availability of a supportive network.

What Is the Admissions Process for a Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms Treatment Program at Harmony Place?

Harmony Place’s fentanyl withdrawal symptoms treatment program’s admissions process is designed to be comprehensive and compassionate, ensuring that you receive care explicitly tailored to treat your fentanyl dependency. It begins with a confidential consultation to evaluate your history of substance use, fentanyl withdrawal symptoms, and any co-occurring mental health disorders.

This assessment is crucial for determining the severity of your situation and deciding if medically supervised detoxification is required before entering the treatment program. Once the evaluation is complete, a personalized treatment plan is created. We adopt a holistic approach that combines evidence-based therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), group counseling, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for fentanyl with wellness practices such as yoga, meditation, and nutrition counseling. Throughout the admissions journey, we offer empathetic support to help ease your transition into our treatment setting. At Harmony Place, we strive for immediate admission whenever feasible, recognizing the urgency of addressing your fentanyl withdrawal symptoms and starting the recovery process. This approach ensures prompt, comprehensive care, setting the stage for lasting recovery. Call us at (855) 652-9048.

Statistics on Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal in Los Angeles, CA

Statistics on Fentanyl Addiction Withdrawal in Los Angeles, CA

  • The California Department of Public Health reported in 2021 that there were 10,898 drug-related overdose deaths in California, with an age-adjusted rate of 26.8 deaths per 10,000 residents. Fentanyl contributed to 5,961 of those overdose deaths, with an age-adjusted rate of 15.3 fentanyl deaths per 100,000 residents.
  • According to USA Facts, in 2022, California had the most total fentanyl deaths, totaling 6,453.
  • The United States Drug Enforcement Administration reported that in California in 2019, there were over3,200 opioid-related deaths, and approximately half were due to fentanyl. And in 2020, Riverside County had 279 fentanyl deaths, which was 42 percent of the total opioid-related deaths.
  • The County of Los Angeles Public Health shared that accidental fentanyl overdose and poisoning deaths in LAC skyrocketed by 1,652% from 109 in 2016 to 1,910 in 2022. From 2016 to 2022, fentanyl overdose ED visits increased 833% from 133 to 1,241, and fentanyl overdose hospitalizations increased 387% from 102 to 497 cases.
  • CalMatters, a nonprofit news organization, shared a shocking statistic that in a span of just three years, from 2019 to 2021, California experienced a staggering 121% increase in opioid-related deaths, as reported by the state’s health department. Most of these fatalities were associated with fentanyl addiction.