The Harmony Place Addiction Recovery Blog
Baclofen: A Treatment Option For Severe Alcohol Use Disorder
8 Sep
When it comes to addressing severe alcohol use disorder, doctors often face challenges in finding e…
The Link Between Alcohol Abuse and Anxiety
1 Sep
Understanding the Link Between Alcohol Abuse and Anxiety The relationship between alcohol abuse and…
Can I Keep My Job and Attend Rehab?
19 May
Keeping Your Job While Attending Addiction Treatment Seeking treatment for a substance use disorder…
What Does Relapse Prevention Include?
12 May
The National Institute on Drug Abuse states, “More than 85% of people with addictions who stop usin…
Effects of Alcohol on Skin and Aging
27 Dec
As we grow older and age, our skin ages. This is no secret. However, just as there are ways to keep…
Parts of the Brain Affected by Alcohol
10 Dec
Starting with the first sip, alcohol begins to impact brain function. For moderate or occasional dr…
Managing Stress in Addiction Recovery
18 Nov
Everyday life is stressful no matter who you are. While certain types of stressors or stressful sit…
The Benefits of Online Addiction Chat Rooms
8 Nov
As we as a society transition into more of a digital space, more and more of our lives are spent on…
Can Alcohol Cause Dementia?
2 Nov
Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in the United States, largely due to how easy…
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